The loss of a child effects our emotional well-being...our whole being! Essential oils can help calm our emotions, build our resolve and lift our spirits, aiding our emotional strength and resilience. In a roller or dropper bottle, combine fractionated coconut carrier oil, DoTerra Balance Grounding Blend, Elevation Joyful Blend, Geranium and Serenity Calming Blend. When feeling overwhelmed by loss apply 2 drops to the wrists, over the heart, bottoms of feet or behind the ears 2-3 times a day.
Sometimes a silent hug is the only thing you can say... In a dropper bottle combine carrier oil, 4 drops of Majoram, 3 drops of Bergamont, 3 drops of Lemon, 2 drops of Clary Sage and 1 drop of Rosemary. Use with an aromatherapy diffuser.
This is a deeper, calming blend to help you relax and release frustration, anger and that weight of grief on your chest. Combine 3 drops of Bergamot, 2 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Frankincense and 1 drop of Cypress with carrier oil in a dropper bottle or in an aromatherapy diffuser.
Console blend has been most helpful to me for feelings of fresh grief. The aroma is grounding and comforting and a balm to a broken heart. You can use topically or aromatically.
Combine 25 drops of Bergamot, 15 drops Roman Chamomile, 7 drops of Cypress, 6 drops of Majoram and top off with fractionated coconut oil if adding to an essential oils roller bottle or decrease drops to use aromatically in the diffuser to promote hopeful thoughts and the courage to move forward.
Use 10 drops of DoTerra Balance, 5 drops of Vetiver and 10 drops of Do Terra Serenity - Combine into roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil-shake well before applying to wrists, back of neck and behind ears. Also consider applying to aromatherapy bracelet or necklace. This blend has helped me keep anxiety attacks manageable.
Essential Oils can be purchased at most any store or ordered online at Amazon or DoTerra!